Bathing boy

The Newman Shower
IMDb 6.8/10  (60)
SC 6.2/10 

Year: 2001
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Erik Altemus, Jason Lansing, Haylie Duff
Tags: bathing boy
Review: It's the summer of 1990 at Camp Colman, and while most of his cabinmates are busy bragging about their sexual exploits, Zach Newman is keeping something secret. Ashamed to shower in front of his friends, he quickly becomes the target of ridicule, threatening his chances with Wendy, the girl he's liked for two summers. When ignoring and fighting back both prove futile, Newman is left with no choice but to do what he has most wanted to avoid... to face them. - IMDb
Movie added at: 03.07.2024

'The Newman Shower'

Alter Schwede
IMDb 7.2/10  (8)
RFF 6.0/10  (1)
SC 4.7/10 

Year: 1990
Country: East Germany
Actors and Actresses: Emanuel Brzostowski
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 19.06.2024

'Alter Schwede'

IMDb 7.1/10  (5 755)
RFF 5.8/10  (13)
SC 2.1/10 

Year: 1993
Country: France, Belgium, Italy
Actors and Actresses: Albano Guaetta
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Claude Berri's angry, ambitious epic, based on the 19th-century novel by Emile Zola, re-creates, as does the novel, the gut-wrenching poverty and the intense day-by-day struggles of striking French coal-miners in 1884 at the Voreux mines of France. The film centers upon the bitter toils of Maheu (Gerard Depardieu) and his family -- consisting of his iron-willed wife (Miou-Miou) and their daughter Catherine (Judith Henry), who also works in the mines. When a new miner, Etienne Lantier (Renaud), comes to Voreux to seek work, he is befriended by Maheu, who takes him on his mining crew and allows him to stay at his home. Etienne is also an organizer for a new miner's union and, as conditions in the Voreux mines worsen, Etienne convinces Maheu to organize a miner's strike. Meanwhile, Etienne is attracted to Catherine, and Catherine to him, but she doesn't act upon her feelings, taking up, instead, with Chaval (Jean-Roger Milo), a local ne'er do well. As conditions in the mines become more desperate and unsafe, and the owners propose to cut wages, Maheu at last stages a massive strike of the miners. When that happens, the owners send in armed soldiers to defend the mines. - Paul Brenner, All Movie Guide
Movie added at: 05.06.2024



El chico que miente
IMDb 6.6/10  (122)
SC 2.2/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Venezuela
Actors and Actresses: Iker Fernández, Laureano Olivares
Tags: bathing boy
Review: From a town torn apart by a mudslide, where only huge skeletal buildings survive, a thirteen-years-old KID begins a voyage along the Venezuelan coastline driven solely by lies, in an attempt to put his life back together. Throughout the way, he strives to discover his origins. - IMDb
Movie added at: 15.05.2024


'El chico que miente'

IMDb 6.4/10  (81)
SC 8.2/10 

Year: 2019
Country: Japan
Actors and Actresses: Hikaru Yamazaki
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Satoshi is only in the fifth grade at elementary school. He is unhappy with his father, his perfidy and the company he keeps. Enter transfer student Kozue who is different and exciting. She is not just any different though. She truly is from far away and has a gift for Satsohi and the townspeople. The town grow close. - IMDb
Movie added at: 03.04.2024



Po hlave do prdele
IMDb 4.4/10  (100)
RFF 10.0/10  (1)
SC 4.4/10 

Year: 2006
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Petr Ratimec, Tadeáš Hrdina
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Son Tomás Vohnout is a 13-year-old kid who's got a girlfriend named Madonna. While on a date together, he spots his father through the plate-glass windows of a café sitting with a gay man. Tomás is worried that homosexuality may be hereditary. Madonna convinces him to make love. The trial is a success, but his enthusiasm wanes when he finds out that Madonna is pregnant. Mother Mrs. Vohnoutová, head of a small Christian choir, saved Magdaléna's life when she tried to throw herself under a train. Mrs. Vohnoutová accepts her into her community and tries to help her. Magdaléna, who is experiencing love for the first time, transforms "love thy neighbor" into erotic love and seduces Mrs. Vohnoutová. Father Mr. Vohnout has got an assignment from boss Hugo whose pregnant wife Valerie has been kidnapped. A cottage in the woods, seven kidnappers gunned down, and the ransom money returned. The feeling of a job well down is marred only by the fact that Valerie wasn't kidnapped - she wanted to go away with friends for the weekend but knew her husband wouldn't let her go. So she made up the kidnapping. - IMDb
Movie added at: 06.03.2024

'Po hlave do prdele'

Max und Moritz Reloaded
IMDb 2.5/10  (423)
RFF 6.4/10  (19)
SC 7.8/10 

Year: 2005
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Kai Michael Müller, Willi Gerk, Roxanne Borski, Anna Hausburg
Tags: bathing boy
Review: Based on Wilhelm Busch's classic tale, Max and Moritz are two underage brothers living an adventurous life of petty-crime in Hamburg. Their mother Rita, an anarchist with a love for life, has nothing on her mind but making music, drinking and messing around and she doesn’t really care what her boys are up to. Only Paula, the angel-like social worker with a helper syndrome and very good intentions, tries to safe what is beyond saving. The two boys cause with a crash a stolen car, in the passenger seat sit the adolescent daughters of a Hamburg senator. Enough is enough! The two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp.
This camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers with a tendency to sing and who still strongly believe in Communism. Secretly they are gay and have been a couple for a long time. But with Max and Moritz nothing is a secret for long. In theory Axel and Henry get Ђ150 per day per child but in reality, and after a very short time, they too surrender to the mischievous boys.
Everything could be fine now if Max and Moritz hadn’t stolen small-town pimp Murder Hanne’s red Ferrari. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson. But Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they steal the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change... And when mama Rita and angel Paula come to visit, things climax in every possible way... -
Movie added at: 14.02.2024


'Max und Moritz Reloaded'

Il fiore delle mille e una notte
IMDb 6.7/10  (9 063)
RFF 6.9/10  (18)
SC 9.9/10 

Year: 1974
Country: Italy, France
Actors and Actresses: Barbara Grandi, Franco Merli, Fessazion Gherentiel, Giana Idris, Elisabetta Genovese
Tags: bathing boy, bathing girl
Review: In this film inspired by the ancient erotic and mysterious tales of Mid-West Asia, the main story concerns an innocent young man who comes to fall in love with a slave who selected him as her master. After his foolish error causes their separation, he travels in search of her. Various other travelers who recount their own tragic and romantic experiences include stories of a young man who becomes enraptured by a mysterious woman on his wedding day, and a man who is determined to free a woman from a demon. - IMDb
Movie added at: 07.02.2024


'Il fiore delle mille e una notte'

IMDb 7.2/10  (1 895)
RFF 5.9/10  (7)
SC 8.4/10 

Year: 2015
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Jette Jungjohann, Louis Hofmann, Langston Uibel, Justus Rosenkranz, Franz Anton Kroß
Tags: bathing boy, boy skinny dip
Movie added at: 10.01.2024



Die Letzten Jahre der Kindheit
IMDb 7.1/10  (88)
RFF 10.0/10  (1)
SC 7.4/10 

Year: 1979
Country: West Germany
Actors and Actresses: Gerhard Gundel
Tags: bathing boy
Movie added at: 13.12.2023

'Die Letzten Jahre der Kindheit'

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