La' os være

IMDb 5.8/10  (190)
RFF 7.2/10  (20)
SC 8.6/10 

Year: 1975
Country: Denmark
Actors and Actresses: Bo Jensen, Martin Højmark, Sven Hastel, Ivan Baumann, Bjørn Martensen, Ole Meyer, Kenneth Nielsen, Anja Bærentzen, Hanne Olsen, Henrik Rasmussen
Tags: boy skinny dip, girl skinny dip
Review: In this Danish film, like the unrelated but very similar film Lord of the Flies, a largish group of unformed young people find themselves alone on an island with no civilizing adult presence to restrain them. In this film, the group includes adolescent and pre-adolescent boys and girls. As in the other film, the crudity of their unrestrained impulses results in murder, though for the most part they simply flirt with and bully one another.
Movie added at: 09.05.2020

'La' os være'

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